Would you benefit from site visits?
By providing independent information through workplace inspections, Logic’s consultants can provide the basis for effective health and safety practice and risk management. Safety inspections can be measured against legal compliance, company standards, or best practice to assist Clients in identifying both where they sit in the market place as well as indicating clear target areas for those companies seeking further improvement.
Our experience in promoting safer and healthier workplaces can introduce a greater awareness of health, safety and welfare issues and contribute to a positive safety culture. Our consultants will produce a report identifying best practices conducted on site as well as areas for improvement. Each work area is assessed using a ‘traffic light system’ which allows us to evaluate performance in relation to health and safety legislation.
The inspection and review process assists clients in examining and improving risk management procedures and can help reduce insurance premiums. Inspections are tailored to your company’s specific requirements which are discussed in advance with our consultants.
We have carried out compliance and health and safety inspections in a wide range of industries including; construction sites, workshops, offices, power stations, and many other industries.
For further information or availability, call us on 0117 957 5154 or email us at technical@logicshesolutions.co.uk