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CITB Site Environmental Awareness Training Scheme

Duration: 1 day

Publications: Construction Site Safety - Environment (GE700Es)

Maximum numbers: 20

Minimum numbers: 4

Duration: 1 day

Publications: Construction Site Safety - Environment (GE700Es)

Maximum numbers: 20

Minimum numbers: 4


This one-day Site environmental awareness training scheme (SEATS) course is designed for those who have, or are about to acquire, supervisory responsibilities.

This one-day course is intended for those who are operating at supervisor level.  The course covers all relevant legislation and other aspects that affect the environment in the building, construction and civil engineering industries.  It will provide supervisors with a broad understanding of the environment and the issues construction sites' face.


To help construction supervisors to:

  • supervise and protect the environment through legal provisions

  • protect the eco-system - the relationships and interactions between animals, plants (flora and fauna) and organisms and their environment

  • follow environmental management systems and processes to mitigate environmental damage

  • play their part in reducing statutory nuissance and disturbance to neighbours

  • manage the impact that archaeology and heritage can have on construction

  • control water consumption and reduce the impact construction has on natural water supplies

  • implement control measures to prevent the pollution of watercourses

  • identify ethically sourced timber through the chain-of-custody entering site

  • identify, control and manage contamination on brownfield sites

  • classify, segregate and properly dispose of waste.

Course structure:

Module 1 - Sustainable construction and the environment

1. Sustainability and the environment

2. Regulations and activities supporting sustainable construction

3. Environmental stakeholders and regulators

Module 2 - Environmental management systems

1. Site environmental management systems

Module 3 - Archaeology and heritage

1. Archaeology and heritage

2. Protected monuments, buildings and sites

Module 4 - Ecology and biodiversity

1. Ecology

2. Biodiversity

3. Endangered, protected and priority species and habitats

4. Wildlife

5. Tree and hedgerow protection

6. Invasive species

Module 5 - Statutory nuisance

1. Statutory nuisance

2. Air quality

3. Air pollution

4. Noise and vibration

5. Light pollution

6. Community Liaison

Module 6 - Water management and pollution control

1. Water management

2. Dewatering and abstraction of water

3. Discharge

4. Pollution prevention

5. Pollution incident response plans

Module 7 - Resource management

1. Resource efficiency 

2. Timber and chain of custody

Module 8 - Soil management and contamination control

1. Contamination control

2. Contaminates

3. Soil management

Module 9 - Waste and material management

1. Waste

2. Site waste management plans

3. Describing and classifying waste

4. Managing and trasnferring waste

5. Management of hazardous waste


Delegates must pass the exam and both elements of the trainer review.

Exam paper:

The exam paper consists of 25 questions: 22 multiple choice questions and 3 multiple response questions.  This exam must be taken at the end of the course.

The exam pass mark is is 80% (24 out of 30).

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