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Asbestos Maintenance

We undertake the maintenance & repair of asbestos containing materials up to the point where a licensed contractor is required. Many organisations struggle with asbestos costs and pay licensed contractors a lot of money to undertake work that often does not require a licensed contractor to be employed.


To avoid a conflict of interest we have made a deliberate decision to not hold a license, but work instead to provide a maintenance service that can include tasks such as


  • Removing some non licensed asbestos products

  • Small Environmental clean tasks up to the point a licensed contractor would be required

  • Touching up asbestos encapsulations that deteriorate over time such as painting & bonding

  • Boxing in of asbestos products.


We hold an EA waste carriers license and can collect & dispose of double bagged asbestos materials.


When maintenance works are above and beyond the legal parameters of what we are allowed to undertake we will always inform the client and manage the licensed removal works if required.

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